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Born in Montreal in 1965.


1984-1987 Graphic Design Bachelor in Université Laval
1982-1984 Diploma in Fine Arts at Collège André Grasset


André Monet has more than 20 years of work experience as an Art director, illustrator, graphic designer for marketing
agencies and fashion agencies.


2022  «Legends», Kapopoulos fine art, Athens, Greece

2021  «Portraits», Lumas Gallery, Victoria, Australia

2021  «Pop culture», La Hune, Paris, France

2019  «André Monet», Galerie De Bellefeuille, Montreal, Canada

2018  «André Monet», Galerie De Bellefeuille, Toronto, Canada

2018  «Portrait of a Lady», Opera Gallery, Seoul

2016  «Shades of Blue», Opera Gallery, Monaco 

2016  «André Monet», Galerie De Bellefeuille, Montreal, Canada

2016  «Don't stop the music», Lumas Gallery, Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris, London

2014  «VIP», Galerie DeBellefeuille, Montreal, Canada 

2014  «Impression of Singapore», Opera Gallery, Singapore

2014 «The Great American Icons», Opera Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2013 «Nowness!»,Art Walk and Opera Gallery, Cannes, France

2013 «The many faces of David Bowie», Opera Gallery, London,England

2013 «Contemporary icons», Art Walk and Opera Gallery, Oslo, Norway

2013 « Paris Match, une histoire de couvertures» Opera Gallery Paris

2012 « Visage» Opera gallery, Seoul, South Korea

​2012 « Nobody else but you» Opera gallery, Singapore Ion
2012 « I want to be loved by you» Opera gallery, Paris, France

​2011 « Black and White»  Opera gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2011   Opera Galley, Hong Kong

2011 «Retrospective», Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Canada

2011 « Nuit Rouge », Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Canada
2010 « Small Sizes », Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Canada
2010 « André Monet », Opera Gallery, New York, USA

2010 « Face à face », Opera Gallery, Paris, France
2010 « Les nuits blanches », Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Canada

2009 « X-mas exhibition », Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Canada
2008 « Brilliance of being », Thompson Landry Gallery, Toronto, Canada
2007 « Caractères » Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Québec
2006 « Mouvement de masse », Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal, Québec
2006 « Group Show », Thompson and Landry Gallery, Toronto, Ontario


2024 Art Miami

2019 Art Miami

2018 Art Miami

2018 Toronto International Art Fair

2017 Toronto International Art Fair

2017 Art Plam Beach

2016 Toronto International Art Fair

2015 Art Plam Beach

2015 Context Art Miami

2015 Toronto International Art Fair

2015 Art Miami New York

2015 Art Plam Beach

2014 Toronto International Art Fair

2014 Expo Chicago

2014 Art Show Busan, South Korea
2010 Toronto International Art Fair

1991 Three Honourable mentions, Forum Marketing
1989 Diapason Grand Prize, Forum Marketing
1988 Great Distinction, Graphisme, Québec


Globe Capital Management, Winnipeg


2022 Magda News Antre Monet impressed with his "legends"

2022 Art&life Athena, "Andre Monet exhibition "Legends"

2022 News 24/7 "Andre Monet presents "Legends"

2021 Pendulum Magazine, «Portraits collages that capture spirit and soul»

2020 Harper's Bazaar, Bagatelle Joins Hands With Dubai's Opera Gallery To Marry Art And Fine Dining

2017 TIME Magazine, You Probably Missed How Drake Just Proved His Allegiance to Beyoncé, Sept 6th

2017 Bilboard Magazine,  «Drake Has a Huge Portrait of Beyonce in His Recording Studio», Sept 7th

2016 Interview Magazine Germany, March

2016 Rolling Stone Magazine Germany, July

2016 Notting Hill Magazine, UK, March

2016 ES Magazine London, UK, March

2016 Mayfair Magazine London, April

2016 Evening Standard London, March 11

2016 Digit Magazine, Cover and article, February

2016 Top Magazine Düsseldorf, «Don't stop the music»,January

2015 Luxe Magazine , «Painting to rewrite history», December 2015

2014 The Huffington Post, «André Monet: le peintre montréalais derrière le visage des vedettes», 13 August 2014

2014 Kolaj Magazine, October 2014

2014 The Korea Times, « The great American Icons», March 20th

2014 Western Living, October 2014

2014 Journal 24H, September 2014

2014 Journal de Montreal, September 2014

2014 The Gazette, 12 September 2014

2014 Decover Magazine #21, September

​2013  Elisabeth Couturier,« ParisMatch à la mode du street art»,Paris Match

2012  Marie-Ilse Paquin, « André Monet, peintre de la reine », La Presse

2012  Clelia Bailly,« Marilyn Monroe muse éternelle», Paris Match

2012  Lee Woo-Young, "Portraits exhibition focuses on famous faces and hidden personalities", The Korea Herald

2012  Temblant Express, January

2011 Canadian House & Home Magazine
2011 « Paper Soul », Dress to Kill (London), Autumn
2011 « En Hausse, en baisse », La Presse, April 30th
2011 The Brunei Times, AFP article, April 30th
2011 The Bangkok Post, AFP article, April 29th
2011 L’indépendant, « Gazette du Palais », April 29th
2011 La Semaine, April 29th
2011 Marie-Joëlle Parent, « Cadeau Princier », Le journal de Québec and Le Journal de Montréal April 26th
2011 Judi River, « Montrealer inspired by Warhol », AFP, April 26th
2011 Marie-Ilse Paquin, « Un Montréalais chez William et Kate », La Presse
2011 Le Devoir, April 19th
2011 John Pohl, The Gazette, April 19th
2011 Sarah Boesveld, National Post, April 18th
2011 Veronica Redgrave, « Meet a Montrealer : André Monet », Montréal Buzz (Montreal tourism online), February 2011
2011 Agnès Gaudet, « Cadeau Royal au peintre André Monet », Rue Frontenac webmagazine, February 4th, 2011
2009 Zink, winter 2009.
2009 Sohodesign, fall 2009.
2008 Mass Art Guide, December/January 2009.
2008 Christian Bonin, éd. Antiquités et Galeries d’art. Les
éditions griffes, 13th edition, p.64.
2008 Distilled, cover of the Guide 2008
2008 L’express.
2008 Bernier, Robert. “Archéologie du temps présent’’, Parcours l’informateur des arts, spring 2008, vol. 13, no. 63, p.54-55
2006 Bernier, Robert “Histoire du temps”, Parcours: l’informateur des arts, July 2006, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 24-25.
1999 Magazine GRAFIKA, May 1999
1999 Bulletin de l’Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec



2014 TVA, Salut Bonjour, August 13

2014 CITY, Breakfast televisionSeptember 8

2014 Radio-Canada,RDI Matin September 11

2014 Canal V , Ça commence bien, September 10

2012 Korea National News, Arirang Art and culture 2, July 19

2014 Medium large, september 8

2012 Time out Singapore, "Nobody else but you" August 1

2012 Yahoo! news Malaysia, "Portraits exhibition focuses on famous faces and hidden personalities", July 13
2012 CBC news "Queen toothbrush portrait", May 21
2012 RDI Matin "Portrait of the Queen by a Canadian artist" May 21

2011 Chanel 5 "Billion $$ Girl" Bernie Ecclestone give her daughter a Monet
2011 Radio-Canada "Medium large" radio interview by Catherine Perrin
2012 CJAD "The Andrew Carter Morning Show" June 4th
2011 Cinq à Six, CBC Radio One, radio interview by Pierre Landry
2011 Yahoo News UK, AFP article, April 30th
2011 RFI EUROPE « Un mariage Royal qui fait tourner partout les têtes »
2011 The Independant UK, AFP article, April 28th
2011 India Times, AFP article, April 28th

2011 Kuwait Times, May 4th, 2011
2011 News 352, AFP article, April 28th
2011 RDI Matin, Radio Canada, TV interview, April 28th
2011 Un portrait signé Monet, Sympatico Videos, April 28th
2011 La Dépê, AFP article, April 28th
2011 Toronto Sun, Ottawa Sun, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, Winnipeg Sun, « Montreal painter commissioned to make portraits for the royal couple”, TV interview, April 28th
2011 20 mn Online, « Kate et William en version Warhol », April 28th
2011 TV5 Monde, April 28th
2011 Zimbio, AFP article, April 28th
2011 World News Gleaner, AFP article, April 28th
2011 Auction Central News, AFP article, April 28th
2011 News, TVA, Interview, April 26th
2011 24H Actu, Radio Canada, TV interview, April 26th
2011, April 26th
2011 Que le Québec se léve, 98.5 fm, radio interview by Guy Simard
2011 Homerun, CBC, radio interview, April 22nd
2011 Yahoo Actualités, TV interview, April 20th
2011 CJAD "The Andrew Carter Morning Show" April 20th
2011 CBC News, TV interview, April 20th
2011 Evening news, CTV, March 8th, 2011
2011 Interview on Daybreak, CBC Radio, February 8th, 2011
2011 Chronique Culturelle, evening news on Radio Canada, February 2011

"Le téléjournal" with Patrice Roy, interview by Claude Deschenes.
2008 CBC. Evening news, Feature: Halle Berry buy a Monet
2008 CBC. So Montreal, interview.
1999 Émission D, Musique Plus, fall 1999, interview
1999 Les Choix de Sophie, Télé-Québec, January 1999, documentary

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